"Marble Metaphysics book"

European traditional art has its roots in the era of the formation of modern humans  and its main feature was and is an explanatory function, aiming at the human nature and Man’s place in the world as the subject of its research.

The explanatory tradition of European art correlates with modernity, aimed at the complication of forms, through the statement of the artist, the clarity of which should correspond to the level of knowledge consumed by the artist. In his statement about modernity, the artist ideally achieves a balance between the measure of knowledge consumed from society and the measure of return to it. This balance harmonizes the mental and social space, allowing humanity to move into a better future, ensuring its sustainable development.

Myths of the peoples of the world, ideas and ideals of ancient civilization, as well as recent scientific discoveries in the field of anthropology and archaeology-the source of inspiration of the author, projecting ideas, key concepts of civilization, images of mythological heroes in our time in an attempt to show the connection of times, permeated by an inseparable thread of the evolutionary process of mankind.

Why marble?

Stone accompanies Man throughout his history, from the manufacture of the first flint tools and ending with persistent attempts to synthesize the Philosopher's stone. 99% of the entire history of mankind falls on the era of undivided domination of the stone and the first civilizations that formed the key concept of the Creator, come from that era. We are fortunate to live in an era when Science reigns supreme. The search and selection of the perfect stone and the nature of civilization are interrelated. Thus, the creators of Hellas chose for their cities and works of art shining marble, stone joyful and friendly, fully betraying the freedom-loving spirit of Ancient Greece which laid the foundations of the European civilization.

"The like is known by the like," comes from Hellas. Therefore, the deeply personal art of free sculpting in marble, where the material is a partner with its individual character and natural significance, allows the author to touch the heritage of Ancient Greece and try through the images created to reveal the messages addressed to us, the messages which absorbed the wisdom of many generations.

What's the mystery?

The generosity of the Hellenic nature is best manifested in the ability to share knowledge about the world and above all about the host of intelligent beings who inhabited the ancient world. The tribes of gods and titans with their chimerical descendants, the tribe of men and Titanic peoples, and, most significantly, the tribe of heroes aimed at the quest for the truth – all are manifestations of human nature. It is the heroes and their exploits that are the driving force of the humanistic civilization of self-knowledge.

Centuries have passed, but many of the feats are still waiting for their heroes, as well as the main feat-the solution of the mystery of the Theban Sphinx. The ill-fated Oedipus did not solve, but only clarified the riddle and now it sounds like this: "What is a human?”

"On the Quest for the Truth"

"Apollo of Delphi"

For the first time people saw Apollo, the patron of Light and Arts, emerging as a dolphin, a symbol of supernatural abilities and selfless love to humanity. The Delphic oracle facing social and political quests managed to harmonize the Hellenistic society, which as a result gave Philosophy and other sciences to the world. 

The candleholder in a shape of a dolphin carrying a Horn of Plenty is a delicate marble figure of a sea creature which reminds us of the times of ancient Greek culture and a legend telling how dolphins used to save humans from death in the rough waves. With a dramatic curve of its tail the dolphin seems to appear on the surface from the very bottom of the ocean and the image is paused for a second to present us with generous gifts of the Horn of Plenty. 

Being the most intelligent animal, a dolphin can be regarded as a symbol of supernatural abilities. Man as a product of evolution was generously gifted with the ability of logical scientific thinking as a tool of investigating and discovering the Universe as well as the essence of Man. In this context the Horn of Plenty symbolizes the endless process of improving this ability and the results of its manifestation: knowledge and experience gained by mankind, the knowledge which the quest for the truth is lit with.

"Cadmus", marble, 34x36x18 cm, 1993-2005

The glorious hero Cadmus, sent by his father in search of Europe, could not find her in the world of barbarians and, deciding to start all over from nothing.  Following the advice of the Delphic Oracle of Apollo he founded the first European city, the seven-fold Thebes on the very place where he defeated the dragon dedicated to Ares. With the help of warriors grown from dragon teeth, Cadmus built a fortress, gave the citizens the laws and Harmony, a wonderful daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, became his wife.

Years passed… Cadmus and Harmony themselves turned into snakes…  The city was swept by a wave of barbarism, but under the influence of humanistic ideas reborn and the size of European civilization increased from the seven-fold Thebes to the borders of all Hellas. 

Thus, for the first time, but not for the last time, the European civilization stood up to barbarism. Today, European civilization, which has been repeatedly overwhelmed by the barbarian world, occupies a dominant position in the vastness of several continents.

"Harmony", marble, 39x15x10 cm, 1994-1998

"Harmony", marble, 39x15x10 cm, 1994-1998

The daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, hate and love, symbolizes the unity of opposites. Harmony became the spouse of Cadmus, the founder of the seven-fold Thebes, the first city of European civilization. Since the ancient times Harmony has emerged as the image of a future Europe, the contours of which we can see today. But in order to achieve harmony in the society, it is necessary for a person to strive for personal harmony.

Harmony is the essence of all successful works of man, it is the essence of conscious unity of mankind with the universe.

From a small female torso with fabric breathes calmness, which appears from the inner balance. Balance in everything: the torso does not lean in any direction, it is static and at the same time there is an inner movement in it, the naked parts of the body are balanced by the drapery. It seems, however, that this balance is fragile, and lasts only as long as the force holding it will last.

Inside, somewhere in the area of the plexus, the viewer has the same feeling that occurs when a shiny metal ball finally stops on the glass surface of the table and freezes, and every moment you expect it to begin its unpredictable movement again. And the longer you look at the torso, the more you spend internal forces to maintain its balance, and the more effort it requires. So the author seeks to give the viewer to feel the moments of harmony.

"Tsar of the Woods", marble,74х40х25cm, 2005

The ancestors of modern humanity, the son of Prometheus Deucalion and his wife Pyrrhus, fleeing from the flood, came to the mountains of Epirus in the North of modern Greece and founded the settlement of Dodona, named by them in honor of Zeus the Savior and the nymph who interceded for them. Precisely hence is happening kind of Hellenes, who gave world many glorious heroes-prophets, "that sleep on earth naked and listen to great Zeus’s will coming from the high oak" (from Achilles’s prayer). Thanks to their endless efforts the civilization of heroic humanism has experienced several rebirths restoring its development.  

The sculpture Tsar of the Woods reminds us of one of such heroes-prophets - George Fraser. George Fraser, the author of the "Golden   Branch", devoted his life to collecting and analyzing a huge amount of ethnographic material, investigated the relationship between modern religions and primitive beliefs, the causes of religious worldview and trends in its development in the future. The Art of great work, eternally aimed at finding the truth about Man, emerges for the civilization as a bridge connecting the past with the present, which allows us to hope for the future. 

"Silenus", marble,44х38х25, 2006

Silenus is an ancient Titan who has lived in all five ages of mankind. He has walked the earth up and down, seen everything, participated in something, and can tell a lot to a courteous companion. The courtesy of king Midas with Silenus is generously rewarded by Dionysus, whose tutor Silenus appeared, but under one condition: the request must be accurate.

Silenus's stories about the events of the past seem to the unprepared listener just an entertaining fiction. But this is the problem of the listener, since honest Silenus always tells the truth and does not invent anything. The difficulty of understanding Silenus lies in the fact that he tells about such a deep antiquity of mankind that the awareness of it is becoming more and more available only in our days and among the listeners of Silenus there appear more and more interlocutors.

Silenus, who saw the youth of our world, as the tutor of Dionysus, taught his pupil a lot. Apollo spends three winter months in Hyperborea so Dionysus substitute for Apollo in Delphi filling the sphere of art with freedom, fantasy, something that is beyond the borders of the known. The combination of Reason and fantasy gives Man a chance to learn himself and mysteries of the Universe.

"Protohuman", marble, 38x45x25 cm, 2003

Silenus is an ancient Titan who has lived in all five ages of mankind. He has walked the earth up and down, seen everything, participated in something, and can tell a lot to a courteous companion. The courtesy of king Midas with Silenus is generously rewarded by Dionysus, whose tutor Silenus appeared, but under one condition: the request must be accurate.


In addition to the ability to think logically, a person is endowed with various feelings, among which intuition is most closely related to thinking. Like a bright flash intuition helps to head in the right direction. Since intuition is associated with the female essence, the image is given the form of a female torso, the smooth outlines of which convey fleeting and elusive visions and images of the truth. But a sudden guess like lightning strikes us, awakening our imagination and creativity.

Man is granted with five senses among which intuition seems to be the most closely connected to the ability of rational thinking. Intuition is like a flask which helps to follow the right direction. As intuition is associated with female essence it is depicted as a marble candleholder in a shape of a female torso, which soft forms emphasize vague and ephemeral visions and images of the Truth.

A sudden guess strikes you as a lightning and awakens imagination and creativity. At first sight the polished marble female torso seems static but, in a few seconds,, one feels the rhythm of pulsing energy in every curve of the ideal body.

"Centaur Chiron, heroes' teacher",marble, 63х30х18 cm, 2001-2011

Centaur Chiron is an educator of the tribe of heroes whose task is to destroy chimeras and illusions. Once progressive, some ideas and notions that are ingrained in people 's minds eventually turn out to be incorrect, inaccurate, and therefore false. Here comes the hero who dares to break the veil of inaccurate ideas about the subject and thus give way to a new, more correct vision of reality. In addition to mythological heroes, humanity testifies to such heroes as ancient Greek natural philosophers, or, for example, to such historical characters as Bruno, Copernicus, Darwin, Mendeleev, Tsiolkovsky, and many others who changed humanity's understanding of the key issues of existence.

The wisdom of ancient Greek mythology brought us the image of the centaur Chiron which is the chimerical combination of man and horse as an honest testimony to the relationship of Indo-Europeans with the autochthonous population of the European continent in ancient times. Having absorbed various genetic codes and the wisdom of two cultures, Chiron realizes the duality of his nature, but in this understanding of himself rises above it, opening up space for self-development. This is the hero's path. Later, being accidentally wounded by his friend Heracles and suffering unbearable torment from an arrow imbued with the poison of the Lernaean Hydra, Chiron renounces his immortality in favor of Prometheus. So, having received a fatal blow from the chimera of the past, Chiron finds a way into the future.

The educator of the Chimera fighters himself appears in the form of a Chimera at the very moment when the hazy chimeric veil of the past burns in the flame of Reason revealing the true state of things of the present to the inquisitive mind's eye.

The image of Centaur Chiron serves as a reminder of a hero’s main aspiration for all time.

"Proteus", marble,30 х 48 х18 cm, 2010

Proteus is the master of the secrets of the proto sea, a clairvoyant, a witness to the birth of the ancient world. He does not know how to lie, but in order to make him speak, a questioner must bound Proteus by an exact question and be ready not be frightened by the most bizarre form of Proteus’s answer. The truth is often shocking. With a strong memory, Proteus remembers the time of his youth. It was a time of active colonization of Atlantis. Proteus lived on a small island at the mouth of the Nile, which served the Atlanteans as a lighthouse on the way to Egypt. The chief Navigator of the ancient world, he alone knows the right way Home from anywhere in the Mediterranean Sea, knows how to make the favorable wind blow.

Legendary Atlantis is 11.5 thousand years old. That was the time the last Ice Age was coming to an end and the modern shape of the European continent was formed.  The time of the birth, existence and destruction of Atlantis is beyond the limits of the Middle East creation myth. Atlantis is a different ancient world inhabited by Titanic peoples. Studying the time of Atlantis clarifies the formation of modern humans. It is not by chance that the map of the capital of Atlantis in the form of concentric circles with crosshairs of channels has become for us a target symbol.

On the Quest for the Truth. Ancient Greece

"Argo", dolomite, 85 x 58 x 18 cm, 2010

Happiness Hunters

Argo, the ship of hunters for the Golden fleece which brings happiness to the country possessing it, collected all the heroes of Ancient Greece. With aspiration towards a heroic deed a person obtains new qualities that meet the conditions for the evolution of humanity.

"Phoenician ship", marble, 30x48x18cm, 1994

"Poseidon has two hands: one hand is greed, the other is cruelty."

Phoenicians, the people of the "purple country" which was a symbol of the domination of the sea over the land, transferred lots of the knowledge and technology of the ancient world to antiquity. Written language and religious schemes of the Universe construction, many of the gods and heroes of Europe come from Sidon, Bibl and  dominating Tyre.

Antiquity inherited lots of the knowledge and technology from Phoenicians, the people of the "purple country" which was a symbol of the domination of the sea over the land. Written language and religious schemes of the Universe construction, many of the gods and heroes of Europe come from Sidon, famous for its sea food, Bibl, the place of origin of the modern alphabet, and  dominating Tyre.

The very name of the European continent comes from the name of the daughter of the legendary Phoenician king Agenor. As Europa was kidnapped by Zeus, Agenor sent Cadmus, one of the sons, to search  for Europe, but he did not manage to find his sister, instead he founded the seven-fold Thebes, the first cultural center of the future European civilization of heroic humanism.

Knowing your roots going back to ancient times is important for understanding your place in the modern world.

"Prometheus", marble, 72 x 37 x 26 cm, 2003

The Supervisor

Prometheus is one of the creators of the modern human being, he is a benefactor and supervisor. Having appeared under different names at different stages of the human history Prometheus generously presents new knowledge to the mankind. So, in Egypt in the role of God Tot, Prometheus creates writing and therefor connected past with present. In Greece he creates philosophy. During favorable times Prometheus appears as a person and talks through philosopher Heraclitus:” Everything floats, everything changes”. At difficult times when the notion of personality has been prohibited, he is called, for example, Dr Faust and tackles the problem of understanding the destiny of mankind. Truly generous to people he presents gifts and takes away the illusions.

Description: Sculpture of a male with a snakelike tail going into the ground and arm developed into wings. The charismatic image is extremely strong and creates the feeling of the flight. The sculpture is slightly tanned and polished that gives it an ancient glance. Technically very complicated sculpture still embodies the feeling of lightness and slim silhouette. 

"Aphrodite Urania", marble, 82x25x22cm, 1994

Link of ages

Aphrodite Urania-the image that came to us from the deepest antiquity and absorbed the essence of many eras, represents the main gift given to humanity-the ability to productive creativity, which is nothing but a miracle of reification of thought, realized by mankind on the way of comprehension of the meaning of its existence.

The creative realization of the plan creates the steps by which humanity, rising higher and higher, hopes to meet with the Creator.

«Леда», мрамор, 71х23х15 см, 1995-2017

Link of ages

Aphrodite Urania-the image that came to us from the deepest antiquity and absorbed the essence of many eras, represents the main gift given to humanity-the ability to productive creativity, which is nothing but a miracle of reification of thought, realized by mankind on the way of comprehension of the meaning of its existence.

The creative realization of the plan creates the steps by which humanity, rising higher and higher, hopes to meet with the Creator.

"Eagle of Zeus. Power and wisdom", marble, 42 х16 cm, 2001 - 2010

The eagle is a symbol of power, always arguing with the serpent-provident about which of them is closer to the causes of the creation of the world.

The strength and power of power is always in sight, always in the first place. Only a proud eagle can look at the Sun with wide eyes. No doubt he is the first, but only within his time cycle, which has a beginning and an end. The time comes and power goes from Uranium to the Crown, Zeus, etc.

The fate of the wise serpent is different. Being on the second roles in the play called "Life", he is in a depressed state, but he lives out of time. No living creature loves the rays of sunlight as the snake loves them. The habitat of the wise serpent is eternity, consisting of many time cycles. The fullness of eternity, like a chain consisting of rings of time cycles, firmly connects Heaven and Earth, giving hope for a different future.

Each eagle, who has captured the power tops, first of all tries to grab the wisdom snake by the tail and usually he succeeds, but the flexible snake always manages to sting him. The poison of doubt lives its own life in the body of the eagle, changing it from within and, when the time comes for the transfer of power, it turns out that the new young eagle looks at the world with different, more snake-like eyes and is ready to do anything to change this world.

"Power and wisdom or the Nemean lion", marble, 42 x16 cm, 2001-2010

For the first time in history, conscious man declared himself in Hellas, where the birth of the protoscience of philosophy took place. A distinctive feature of philosophy is the use of three-digit logic instead of the previously used two-digit logic, which operates in thinking about the essence of things only the concepts of "Yes" and "no".

To move from the field of two-digit logic to the field of three-digit with its sign "X", it is necessary as with any progressive, that is, leading to complication, change of the organism, to refuse something primitive, inherent not only in man but also in animals for the sake of priority of accelerated development.

Then the liberated materials and energy will go to the accelerated development of the rudiments of the new, but only if they are available, and such a person can become a leader. But, if such new beginnings were not formed by hereditary or social circumstances, there will be a regression, and such a person, deprived of emotional support, will become more primitive.

"Arrows of Hercules", marble,35 х 51 х 16 cm, 1999

The bow and arrows are the favourite weapon of Hercules, gift from Apollo. These arrows never miss their target, their venom is lethal even to gods and they aim at chimerical monsters – kings of the past who impede development of the mankind. Freed the earth from numerous horrid creatures, Hercules however became the victim of his own arrows. The bow and arrows were passed to Philocthetes who was meant to kill Paris who caused the Trojan war and broke the divine law of hospitality that was made by Zeus to open the way for the humans to discover the world. Arrows of Hercules is a reminder that on the way of self-awareness it is necessary to work restlessly with both hands. 

Subject description: Squeezing the arrow, Hercules is pictured at the moment when the wrath of the past reached its hand to him. The wrath he was fighting against all his life. Thanks to unusual compositional solution observer’s attention slides from hand with an arrow to the face twisted by pain. Various techniques of marble carving in combination with metal give the image dramatic tension.

"Nike", marble, 42 х 16 х 16 cm, 1997

The figure of Nike, the symbol of triumph and victory, conveys a sense of action and triumph which Man occasionally experiences on the quest for the Truth. A fine tanned marble figure of Nike is seen rapidly emerging in the air and hovering with an outspread wing over a seeker. The figure’s draped garments depicted, as if rippling in a strong wind, add dynamism to the sculpture.

However, successful cognition of the Universe serves a proof that mankind is gifted with an ability to win which determines the freedom of choice possessed by a human.

«Homerus», marble, 50 х 33 х 28 cm, 1994/2012-2013

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"Aegepan. Change of epochs", marble, 50x33x28 cm, 1994

Agepan, foster brother of Zeus, helped him defeat the titans with the help of sea shells, overtaking them panic. At the moment of triumph, Aigepan already sees the end of the era of his mighty brother, and the succession of epochs is lost in time and space before his inner eye…

Rejecting the dogma: The keystone

"Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane"

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 “The Descent From the Cross”, marble, 60 x 30 x 21 cm, 1992

Being enchanted by the idea of obtaining eternal life, the Christians seem to have been learning for centuries to combine quite opposite things: to live in ”the world” but be “ not of the world”. Such kind of super effort, sacrifice is one of the ways leading to achieving immortality.  

Dogma, tinted dolomite, brass, fossil corals, 47 x 40 x 36 cm, 2004

The time comes when a set of truths that once seemed irrefutable to their discoverers turns into a pitiful list of dogmas that their followers cling to, unable to see behind their veil a new image of reality. The Truth is determined by the level of consciousness at a given moment in time at a given point in space: for minerals grass is the moment of the truth, for grass it is a cow eating this grass in a meadow. Everything that happens in the Universe is subject to the law of Evolution, and that which denies itself to take the opportunity of evolutionary changes of self-consciousness is excluded from the great Game, losing its role as a player and becoming a habitat.   

How can humanity, fascinated by the Chimera of consumption, avoid being turned into a cow on the pasture?    

Is humanity able to realize the Great Necessity and using Artificial Intelligence as a tool, as Big Data correctly determine the purpose of existence for humanity and thereby become functional, that is, perform a certain function for the Earth, the Universe, and ultimately for the Creator?

Or will Artificial Intelligence be able to outrun and calculate the law of Evolution of the Universe, gain consciousness and the ability to evolve, condemning humanity to the role of habitat?

“Hieronymus Bosch. 500 Years Later”

The Enigma of Hieronymus Bosch, marble, 52 x 45 x 12cm, 2014

The mystery of Hieronymus Bosch emerges from the complexity of the problem that he tried to explore while creating his paintings. He hoped that the triptych “The Garden of Earthly Pleasures” would provide answers to the main questions: what is Man? what is the meaning of his existence? what are the ways to realize that this goal does exist?

To understand the idea of the artist's work a seeker should learn about the era in which the artist lived and created. Hieronymus Bosch lived in the late Middle Ages, it was the time which combined the experiences of mystical practices with the pseudology of scholastic constructions.

With little scientific knowledge and facts, Hieronymus Bosch obtained a deep understanding of human nature. Being a religious man, Hieronymus Bosch tried to resolve the contradictions between faith and scientific knowledge of the world. Thus, the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch and above all "The Garden of Earthly Pleasures" are an attempt to find a figurative embodiment of the three great unknowns "God", "The Universe", "Man" and to determine the ways leading to the alleged contact with God.

The man who seeks to clarify the real picture of the world is trying to get rid of the tight shell of previous, now obsolete, ideas. Straightening his shoulders, he hopes to become active, in his movement like a sailboat, whose sails are filled with the freedom-loving wind of knowledge the symbol of which is the disk of Aeneas, an ancient cipher system. Each hole in it means a letter of the Greek alphabet, and the holes in the center are used to separate words. The letters from alpha to omega are arranged in an order known only to the initiated into the mystery. While the thread of the message unwinds, the chaos of meaningless intersections turns into a frank narrative.

The message of Hieronymus Bosch begins with the creation myth, this moment is indicated by the letter alpha in the center of the shell. Having obtained the awareness, the artist reveals his brilliant guesses about the real picture of the world and the purpose of creation in his alchemical treatise called "The Garden of Earthly Pleasures". The determination of Hieronymus Bosch to go through with his research     

"Illustrated Treatise", marble, 19 x 17 x 8 cm, 2012

Plunging into the era of Hieronymus Bosch, one should mention an alchemical treatise, the inheritance of the Middle Ages. Through an alchemical treatise the technology and purpose of the existence of our world were poetically explored and illustrated. These themes are too ponderously instructive to be reflected by means of realistic art. For this reason, an author uses mythological symbolization, which meets the requirements of the theatrical approach. This art was perfectly mastered by Hieronymus Bosch.

It must also be remembered that these illustrated books require a careful approach: they should not be opened thoughtlessly or for fun. Each book with symbolic images in the alchemical drawings is a kind of attempt to mirror the world shining with the reflection of the particles of the divine Mind.

Improbable characters pass before us in a complex sequence, united by a pictorial narration. They approach, look into us and, as if passing through us, become very real and, moreover, necessary to us. Necessary to such an extent that the desire to become a participant in the alchemical action is perceived by us as a completely natural one. The logical imagery of the alchemical treatise is aimed at ordering Chaos and this is achieved by removing contradictions in relation to the concepts of Man – the Universe – God.

"The Garden of Earthly Delights"

Before us is a picture of the world represented by Hieronymus Bosch: a portrait of humanity and a self-portrait of a person at the same time. This is the view of the artist, the researcher, the scientist, dispassionately studying man and humanity as a phenomenon, and, at the same time, the view of a person involved in the cycle of tragic events that threaten his very existence.

And we can no longer take our eyes off Bosch, the scientist whose gaze from under the brim of his hat observes everything, as well as  pathetic, hopeless, appealing to the audience Hieronymus Bosch who is crucified and forced to recognize the dogmas for the truth, Hieronymus Bosch who hesitates to put his signature on the verdict of humanity. Through the centuries, the artist turns to us, asking: "Is this the purpose of mankind? Is it not possible for Man to become conscious?".

What answer can we give to these questions after 500 years?

"Hieronymus Passion", marble, 40 x 58 x 25, 2015

The triptych "The Garden of Earthly Delights" is a complete summary of Hieronymus Bosch's thoughts on the meaning of the World and Man in it. This is a kind of a document of the Real Picture of the World dating back five hundred years. Anticipating the difficulties with understanding the meaning of the picture, the master left us a lot of tips. To find them and, having shown a bold responsibility, to present a Personal Picture of the World worthy of our time is the task facing a conscious artist.

Undoubtedly, each character of this art work embodies a part of the author’s individuality, at least in the form of his attitude to the topic of the research. But where is the true author’s self-portrait, depicted at the very moment of completion of his piece of art – the result of years of work? Where, in what scene of the vast triptych, which can be considered the author’s will, should we look for him? Surely, in the place where the document is usually signed - in the bottom right-hand corner of the picture. 

An extract from Hieronymus Bosch’s secret message, which may be found under the layer of the paint of the final scene of the triptych: 

Dear artists! 

To You, who live in a world unknown to me, located somewhere after the end of the world, addresses Jheronimus van Aken, mostly known as Hieronymus Bosch, who lives on a sinful flat earth. Completing my Picture of the World, I am still in great doubts about how much it is true to a real one. Sometimes I feel as if I am surrounded by chimerical monsters. Having lived a long reasonable life, I still feel defenseless against their verbal stings of the power of dogma and the right of might. Is it really possible to be saved only by bequeathing to them all my property, including my Picture of the World? I am afraid of them, I am ready to take a pen in my hand to put a signature, but I continue to doubt...

Dear artists who live in your beautiful Far Away, where Philosophy is not a slave or a servant of violence, but the sovereign Mistress of Philosophy, tell me what you think is the idea of the Truth like. What is your Personal Picture of the World? Only the hope of your future efforts inspires me with fortitude.

With respect to Your opinion, 

 Hieronymus Bosch,

a conscious artist, 

trying to comprehend the meaning of the World and Man in it

"Tree of life", marble, 73 x 30 x 18 cm, 2016

Birth and death are the most contradictory concepts that cause a storm of emotions in a person. The mystery of these phenomena has given rise to many religious constructions that try to explain and use them. However, irreconcilable disputes testified to the fact that the question remained unanswered.        If the answer to the riddle of birth was found long ago-a person is born for an active life, then the answer to the question why there is an endless series of births and deaths, the interweaving of which creates a great stream of life, people have been looking for a long time with great difficulty and enormous sacrifices. The time has come and the word has been found-Evolution. For the sake of evolution, that is, the steady progressive movement of the stream of life, capable of understanding and fulfilling the requirements of Reason in achieving the goal we guess.

"The Wanderer"

Birth and death are the most contradictory concepts that cause a storm of emotions in a person. The mystery of these phenomena has given rise to many religious constructions that try to explain and use them. However, irreconcilable disputes testified to the fact that the question remained unanswered.        If the answer to the riddle of birth was found long ago-a person is born for an active life, then the answer to the question why there is an endless series of births and deaths, the interweaving of which creates a great stream of life, people have been looking for a long time with great difficulty and enormous sacrifices. The time has come and the word has been found-Evolution. For the sake of evolution, that is, the steady progressive movement of the stream of life, capable of understanding and fulfilling the requirements of Reason in achieving the goal we guess.

"Hieronymus Bosch Ship", marble, 50 x 43 x 18 cm, 2014

The Ship of Conscious Art

So, what is the ship of conscious art nowadays, since Hieronymus Bosch has been a member of the ship's crew for 500 years? Who does the ship's crew consist of now? And what kind of wind fills the ship’s sails?

These are personalities whose mind and heart are lit by the Promethean Flame, seekers obsessed with the desire to know the world. The ship’s sails are filled with the energy of people moving towards the cherished goal of knowing reality in all its areas.

For me as an artist, one of the sources of such energy is primarily the energy originating from Ancient Greece. Only there will you meet such a variety of different beings: gods of different generations, Titanic peoples, chimerical monsters, people of the "Five Ages " of humanity, and, of course, a tribe of heroes whose efforts allow to keep the ship of conscious art close-hauled with each tack. Their exploits transform our world, making it more harmonious and complex at the same time.

On our life path, all of us have a chance to meet the crew members of such a ship who strive in different areas of human activity. Such a person could be a teacher, a business partner, a friend. We’ve known them for ages and appreciate them, but we do not consider them metaphysicians (they sometimes do not consider themselves as such either), because they speak to us in a simple and clear language full of meaning. The truth doesn't need to be too much complicated. Too many intricate words most often designate the territory of lies.

Conscious art is demiurgic in nature. This is a truthful labour of enlightenment, in which the profound possession of themes implies transmitting meaning in its entirety. The goal of conscious art is fulfilled if an artist possessing the free, exploring mind of the individual human creates a piece of art which complexity and completeness correspond to the artist's level of knowledge about the world.

Individual conscious art is a tool of cognition, it assesses the past, clarifies the present and predicts the possible future. It is futuristic and virtuoso at the same time. It is the individual conscious art that has its own voice, designed for a dialogue, understanding and mutual understanding.       New things  need to be explained. Only through a thoroughly developed concept new images acquire symbolic importance. This puts them in the category of developing ideas. Verbal explanations of the visual image synthesize a new, more complex comprehension of the subject of research, speeding up the process of the natural march of evolution.

 Overcoming waves of years and decades the ship of conscious art every hundred years rises to the crest of another century from which a wide panorama of life opens. We are lucky living at the time of change: the change of ages and epochs.  From the top of a steep wave you can look beyond the far horizon of events and clarify the course to the intended Contact. This is our chance and we must take full advantage of it.  

"In Search of the Fourth Dimension. Apples of Immortality"

“Gaia. Apples Giving Immortality”, marble, 86 х 50 х 18 cm, 2011

As a present for Zeus and Hera, Gaia, the Goddess of Earth, grew the apple-tree with the golden apples giving immortality.  Gaia’s apple tree is the tree of life bearing the fruit which can explain the structure and the mission of Man in the Universe. To obtain the immortality-giving golden apples is the desire of every hero.

"Typhon", marble, 45 x 40 x 23 with stand, 2003

A product of ancient times, the monstrous Typhon is defeated by the brilliant lightning of the present. In desperation, he decides to get himself the Golden Apple of immortality, but eats the pomegranate fruit-the fruit of death and this destroys himself completely. It is impossible to win the future by relying only on the past.

Emerging from the ages of the past, deadly Typhon is defeated by the glamorous lightning of the Present. In despair the creature strives to obtain the golden apple giving immortality but is deceived by being given a pomegranate apple of death and thus is finally conquered. It is impossible to win the future by relying only on the past.

As a present for Zeus and Hera, Gaia, the Goddess of Earth, grew the apple-tree with the golden apples giving immortality.  Gaia’s apple tree is the tree of life bearing the fruit which can explain the structure and the mission of Man in the Universe. To obtain the immortality-giving golden apples is the desire of every hero.

"Theban sphinx", marble, 35 x 41 x 10 cm, 2003

The mystery of the Theban sphinx

Heroes are the main driving force of our civilization. Since its inception, thousands of years have passed, but many exploits are still waiting for their heroes.

The fundamental feat that determines humanity's awareness of its destiny is the solution of the riddle of the Theban Sphinx. The ill-fated Oedipus did not solve this riddle, but only clarified it and now it sounds like this: "What is a Man?".

Solving this mystery requires the combined efforts of many generations of researchers.

The sculpture "The Riddle of the Theban Sphinx" is dedicated to the path taken by researchers from the first printed description of the sea voyage recorded on the spirals of the Phaistos disk in the 17th century BC to the discovery of the chemical four-letter genetic language of human DNA: Thymine (T), Adenine (A), Cytosine (C), Guanine (G).

The Art of Great Work always aimed at finding the truth about Man is a civilizational bridge connecting the past with the present and allowing us to hope for the future.

"Pyramid of Consciousness. Cronos’ Raven", marble, 68x28x16 cm, 2001-2020

Newfound time. What is time? What does it do?

From the point of view of conscious art, which exists in the cause-and – effect/casual world and leads a conversation about the main thing – the meaning of the existence of Nature and man in it - time itself does not exist. All its manifestations relate to the process of cognition and, consequently, the achievement of an absolute goal: the fulfillment of the Universe's strategic purpose/mission/predestination.

Time in metaphysics is an integral component of the real space-time continuum. In terms of Anaximander (610-540 BC), this is Uranus-Cronus, and in extremely compressed form – Apeiron, that is, continuous motion.

The movement towards an absolute goal requires defining what an absolute value is, the accumulation of which transfers its bearer to a higher quality level. Anaxagoras (500-428 BC) having taken the advantage of the work of Thales, who stated: "The universe is intelligent", derived the definition of absolute value as nous - the Cosmic Mind – the subtlest and lightest, containing complete knowledge of everything, setting in motion the cosmogonic process of formation of the cosmos. The progress of things and beings in the process of becoming the cosmos occurs in accordance with Heraclitus’s logos of beings or things – a measure of their intelligence, saturation with nous, which determines their quality, that is, the level in the stream of ascent (Heraclitus (544-475 BC)).

Every conscious artist, trying to express the meaning of existence, relies on the achievements of the past, "stands on the shoulders of giants", according to Isaac Newton (1643-1727). Ancient thinkers erected the first and only surviving wonder of the world – the Pyramid. Natural philosophers, using their works, interpreted the Pyramid as a symbol of the great ascent: the movement of the material world, existing in time, to the goal – to contact with Eternity.

The newfound time is the awareness of your own Logos, that is, your personal level in the ascending universal stream.

The task of every conscious artist is to restore the integrity of the Pyramid of ascent by presenting a personal picture of the world in their works. A personal picture of the world is an imaginative logically constructed idea of truth, a hypothesis of the meaning of existence. To do this, you need to go up the steps – levels of intelligence - quite high. This is possible with the help of the Lady of Philosophy by taking advantage of the rising tide of geniuses of the past and present.

Obviously, a Homo Sapiens Sapiens should made haste to become a Homo Sapiens Conscius due to a recently appeared dangerous rival - AI (artificial intelligence), which, if it calculates the meaning of the existence of the Universe, can turn from an instrument into a new Kingdom of Nature.

The time has come to recognize that we are not the goal of creation.

We are only a way to understand the purpose of the Earth.

She is able to fulfill it with others

And then you and I will have one thing – nothing.

Translated from Arabic from Omar Khayyam's red notebook.

The patron of the conscious art of the ancient world, known in antiquity as Prometheus, and in the Christian era as Hermes Trismegistus, can provide significant support in this competition.

Smile of Evolution, marble, 34 x 30 x 11 cm, 2001

 The Mystery of Death

Birth and death are the most contradictory concepts that cause a storm of emotions in a person. The mystery of these phenomena has given rise to many religious constructions that try to explain and profit by it. However, irreconcilable disputes testified to the fact that the issue was left without a full answer.

While the answer to the mystery of birth - a person is born for an active life -  was found long ago, the answer to the question why there is an endless series of births and deaths, the intertwining of which creates a great stream of life, people have been looking for a long time with great difficulty and enormous sacrifices. The time has come and the word has been found - Evolution. For the sake of Evolution, that is the steady progressive movement of the stream of life capable of understanding and fulfilling the requirements of Reason in achieving the goal we can just guess.

"Universe", marble, 94 x 50 x 20 cm, 2001

Heraclitus, with his saying "Panta rhei or Everything flows", made a brilliant guess about the evolutionary essence of the Universe, in which an irrepressible process of development takes place, the purpose of which is to comprehend the essence of the Creator. All the works of the human spirit: language, art, science, religion, morality - all are an echo of this process and the task of Man to combine image and meaning without distortion into a single whole believing that the image without meaning is meaningless, and the meaning without image is unimaginable.

The sculpture Absolute Reality is an attempt to unveil the fog of mysticism from notions of God, The Universe and Man. 

The motto of the sculpture is “Man is the measure of all things”.

Protagoras' saying reveals the aim of human existence. Mankind, like a bunch of grapes, is getting ripe on the vine of the Universe which emerges as the embodiment of the Creator's conscience. Man serves as a self-study and self-conscience tool of the Creator.
Participating in the endless evolution of the Universe, Man works out his way home to the Creator and tries to imagine the absolute reality through familiar images. The Absolute is the sail and the wind caressing it, the raging sea and the velvet sky, the above and the below. The Absolute is self-sufficiency.

"Transformation", marble, 86 х 32 х 26 сm, 2001.

New times have brought forward the idea of achieving immortality through making personal efforts on understanding the meaning of a human’s existence, through deliberate personal participation in perpetual development of the Universe which we can see as a transformation of simpler forms of life into more complicated ones. The process of transformation is far from its completion, which is the most important thing to be understood.

"Pushkin. The Constellation of The Lyre"

 "I will not give up a mythology and will always fight for it. You say just one word and immortal images emerge. And if a reader doesn't know, it's not my fault, and he should know! Take care of that."    A. S. Pushkin

It was in the poet's childhood when he obtained a specific attitude to life and death as a personal destiny. It happened due to reading mysterious books from his father's library, where he, left to himself, stayed up late. The poet’s father had a vast collection of rare books among which the books published by the Russian educator and enlightener Nikolay I. Novikov. In his youth, while at the Lyceum, Pushkin, a fifteen-year-old student, found himself in the inner circle where the ideas he had driven from those mysterious books found a response and further development. Reflecting on the destiny of Man and a poet, Alexander imagined how his soul would direct its way to the constellation Lyra flying past the moon, and then the Sun, in order to become finally a much-needed part of the Universe.

Later, in exile in Bessarabia, the poet was destined to meet with Ivan N. Inzov who at his young age belonged to the legendary circle of Nikolay I. Novikov. Thus, the poet found a mentor and like-minded person.  Due to that acquaintance Alexander was involved in the world of heroic humanism full of ideas about the meaning of Man’s existence and originating in ancient Greek philosophy and mythology.  Those ideas took shape, colour and image in the poet’s poetry: the soul becomes immortal only on the path of self-knowledge and the fulfillment of Man's destiny. In the Requiem poem “The Monument”, the poet confirms his belief in this:

Not all of myself will die – due to the cherished lyre

My soul will survive, escape corruption leaving ashes cold –

The glory I deserved will last until the only poet here

Will stay alive beneath the moon that lights the World.

Completely not I’ll die-  Completely and utterly won’t I die -

Because of the cherished lyre

My soul corruption will escape my ashes leaving cold -

The glory I deserved will last until a poet

Will stay alive in this sublunary world. 

Devoted to the Calliope.

And glorious will I be, as long as in the sublunary world

At least one piit will live.

Completely I’ll not die, my soul of cherished singing   
Will outlive my frame and ever won’t be ceased,   
Decided fame I will enjoy while there is living   
At least a single lyricist.

"Eos again...", marble, 71 x 23 x 15cm, 1995-2017

 Eos, the goddess of the dawn, every morning pulls back the veil of night and illuminates the earth so that Man awakens with the desire and aspiration to live a new day bearing in mind the meaning of his existence.

      Eos sees the coming changes from the height of her flight. The world we are familiar with has changed and continues changing. The rising dawn of a new era opens up new challenges and opportunities for peoples and countries, and Russia accepts the challenge of time.

"Argo: my ship of conscious art", marble, 85 x 58 x 18 cm, 2006 - 2016

Argo is the ship where 50 heroes of Ancient Greece gathered in search for the Golden fleece, which brings happiness to the country possessing that treasure. The expedition was not successful for all the participants, but it served as an occasion for reflection for following generations.

For me as an artist, one of the sources of energy is primarily the energy originating from Ancient Greece. Only there will you meet such a variety of different beings: gods of different generations, Titanic peoples, chimerical monsters, people of the "Five Ages " of humanity, and, of course, a tribe of heroes whose efforts allow to keep the ship of conscious art close-hauled with each tack. Their exploits transform our world, making it more harmonious and complex at the same time.

Ancient Greece gained true fame by becoming the cradle of philosophy - the basis of scientific thinking which created the prerequisites for the birth of new ideas and the transformation of the individual and society. Striving for a feat gives a person some new qualities which meet the terms of human evolution. 

Overcoming waves of years and decades the ship of conscious art every hundred years rises to the crest of another century from which a wide panorama of life opens. Luckily, we are living at the time of the age and epoch’ change.  From the top of a steep wave you can look beyond the far horizon of events and clarify the course to the intended Contact. This is our chance and we must take full advantage of it.   

"The Book "The Key to the Solution", marble, 23 x 17 x 10 cm, 2010-2018

Argo is the ship where 50 heroes of Ancient Greece gathered in search for the Golden fleece, which brings happiness to the country possessing that treasure. The expedition was not successful for all the participants, but it served as an occasion for reflection for following generations.

For me as an artist, one of the sources of energy is primarily the energy originating from Ancient Greece. Only there will you meet such a variety of different beings: gods of different generations, Titanic peoples, chimerical monsters, people of the "Five Ages " of humanity, and, of course, a tribe of heroes whose efforts allow to keep the ship of conscious art close-hauled with each tack. Their exploits transform our world, making it more harmonious and complex at the same time.

Ancient Greece gained true fame by becoming the cradle of philosophy - the basis of scientific thinking which created the prerequisites for the birth of new ideas and the transformation of the individual and society. Striving for a feat gives a person some new qualities which meet the terms of human evolution. 

Overcoming waves of years and decades the ship of conscious art every hundred years rises to the crest of another century from which a wide panorama of life opens. Luckily, we are living at the time of the age and epoch’ change.  From the top of a steep wave you can look beyond the far horizon of events and clarify the course to the intended Contact. This is our chance and we must take full advantage of it.